Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bishop Street by Rene D. Schultz, A Book Review

This story is an experience you won't soon forget.  It's a story about four children who grew up in an orphanage unwanted, unloved, and clinging to each other for hope.  Four children had an entrenched hope they would be adopted and daily prayer they would even survive their mostly ugly and unhappy journey.

Hope is all they thought their camaraderie was, but years later they discovered that no matter what happened or why they were together in that rigid loveless orphanage, they cared deeply for each other.

I was drawn to this story because I have always had a tender heart for children without families.  As a child I just couldn't understand it, and wondered why other families didn't make sure no child had to endure that.  Of course growing up, maturity makes you see things differently, but it doesn't necessarily change how you feel about it, and I still have a hard time accepting our society's shortfalls.

'What doesn't break you will make you stronger' has certainly been proven time and again, and these children had no choice but to see that song through.  Each one's test was different in execution, but ultimately culminated to the same tune. 

Each child's maturity into adult brought its own set of obstacles, trials and tribulations, but one core emotion ran steady through each of them.  That solid feeling of family and the need for one, and it never wavered in their souls.  It's strong and taut thread kept them searching for solace and peace of mind, and yet striving to bury the very reason for their plight.  Their search and then their quick need to justify situations kept them mollified a day at a time, because they couldn't fathom what or how to massage their empty hearts.  One space, the one for family, just couldn't be filled.  It was an emptiness that led them down many roads, each one just as barren as the next.

For some it looked like the perfect life on the outside, but was total terror and sadness on the inside.  Creating what they craved brought some happiness, but still left a hole in their heart that sought to be filled.  And then some seek to anesthetize the pain, some with mind altering substances, some with work, and some with isolation.  These four children sought all of them, and realized one day that family wasn't just a mom and dad.

Taking this journey with these four children into adult was touching and uplifting.  What they endured and then accomplished gives the reader a feeling of empowerment and hope just like they had.  It's a good story that everyone will enjoy.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Necessary Evil of Nathan Miller by Demelza Carlton, A Book Review

Deep heart wrenching truths revealed by Caitlin leave you nothing but respect for her raw honesty and will.  And as you immerse with the characters once more you realize the depth is beyond calculation, leaving their story stamped on your soul.

The second book of the nightmares trilogy keeps you intrigued, as well as the first book, and the suspense still churns with renewed quests.  This story was a reveal from Caitlin's truths and again I couldn't put it down.  As in real life, we all have versions of a story that another does not, and Caitlin had things to say that Nathan could never have imagined, keeping you rooted to the characters and feeling all their emotions, running the gambit from love to devastation.  All of the feelings and passions kept tingling at a rapid pace, ensuring your heart was glued to the words that were both soft and glaring on page after page.

Caitlin's experience was nothing short of shocking.  Yet her spirit made your admiration of her so strong that reading each page was like a privilege; one you were thankful she allowed.  You realize as she does, that one person was pivotal for her.  One person kept the light on in the dark recesses of her mind as well as the depths of doom she was living; one person who really doesn't understand just how much he did.  He thinks he didn't do enough.

Demelza's gift for writing is again wonderfully evident in this book.  She again directs a story with a straight purpose, letting the characters weave you through the scenes keeping you rooted to them and begging for more of the same.  You feel connected to them in so many ways, even if you've never lived what they have.  You feel.  That's the key to her success.  She writes so you feel all they are feeling and that's how it marches into your mind and makes a home, refusing to leave even after the story is done.

Throughout this book as well as the first, I wanted answers to questions from the very beginning.  With the story being told by the lead now, some very significant answers are revealed, but not all of them.  If is apparent we will need at least one more book to settle the score.  And with how I perceive Caitlin and Nathan now, settle is just the right word.

As in real life, you realize these two are just not connecting in plain English sometimes.  That ugly word assume is forefront and center, as they each think they know something they don't.  Communication is the downfall of many a relationship, and even after all they have gone through, and relied on each other for, talking plainly is not their forte.  No, hiding and skirting to what they think is helping the other is their preference, and really, when you understand why you love them even more.

This story and the characters are developed with a depth and expanse that keeps you wondering and reveling in their spunk and perseverance, capturing your attention with no diversion possible.  The journey and characters are so emotionally charged it leaves a mark on your soul; one you don't want erased or eased because it now has significance to your character; your heart, mind and soul.
I know my take on this story may seem crazy as I gush in awe, but I loved it.  I think it's great, wonderful, very written well, and you simply must read it.  Bet you can't put it down either.